A Powerful Content Hack (You Can Use Anywhere)


Here’s something you don't want to do. What you don’t want to do is sit down at your computer and ask yourself, “What should I post today?”

Most people assume this is how to create content. The problem is, you sit there speculating on what people like and what they don’t like. What will go viral. What people will enjoy watching. What they won't enjoy watching.

It’s about them.

Which, let’s be honest, is how we’ve been taught to create.

But what if I told you there was another way? An easier way? What if you could create highly-engaging content, post authentically, and be successful online with more ease than ever before? You can, and I'll show you how.

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If you create content for a company, then yes, it is about them. But if you create content for your personal brand, then it’s a completely different strategy.

It's about you.

You might be wondering, "Anna, isn't this selfish? Isn't this just being self-centered in my content?"

No, and here's why:

Think about a person who tries way too hard to impress you. When you speak to them, you can tell immediately they are seeking your approval. It turns you off, right? It makes you less interested.

It's the same on social media. We sense when someone is trying to coerce us into listening to them for their own personal gain. It's the opposite of authenticity, and it repels.

Here’s a powerful content hack great creators already know:

They don’t ask, “What should I create today?” Instead, they ask, "What happened today?" They use the present moment to inspire their creation. Rather than searching for great ideas that people will like, their posts reflect moments, ideas, and experiences that happen naturally.

Here’s an example of what I mean by this.

The other day, I went on a road trip with my best friend. We listened to music and chatted. During some downtime, I took out my phone to write a post for LinkedIn inspired by our road trip. I asked if I could read it to her.

She said yes.

After I finished reading, she looked at me and asked, “Did you just write that right now?”

“Yeah,” I replied.

“Wow, you make me realize how easy it can be.”

In just twenty minutes, I managed to create four posts:

These small moments happen all the time, every day! If you start using your real life as a catalyst to create content, you never run out of things to say, and your posts will be highly authentic.

Personal Branding Tip

Here’s my foolproof process for creating content inspired by what's happening in my life:

  1. Don’t ask yourself, “What should I post today?”

  2. Instead, go about your day freely.

  3. When something interesting happens, record a video or write it down (I use the Notes app in my iPhone).

  4. Later, ask yourself, “How can I turn this into a post?”

  5. Take the first idea that comes into your mind and run with it.

  6. And, hey, there’s no pressure here. Your goals for social media do not ride on the back of one post. It’s not so serious!

  7. Keep repeating this process.

If you follow this process, you'll see a drastic, positive shift in your content.

The biggest objection I hear to it is, "I can't remember to create content in the moment when things are happening." That's okay. It's a muscle that can be strengthened over time, and it doesn't always happen naturally. You have to train yourself to think like a creator. And you will!

Personal Question

What caught your attention yesterday? If you had to turn that moment into a post, what would you create? Would it be different than what you are creating now?

See you next week.


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How to Start Making Content