10 Things I've Learned Since Growing a Business, Driving Across the Country, and Moving to Boston


A list I wrote for my past self.

  1. Meditation will be important for you, carry your inner quiet into your actions.

  2. Let your feelings pass through you without attaching negative stories to them. They are telling you something about yourself in a particular moment, nothing more than that.

  3. You like things to be exciting, stimulating, and extraordinary. Find the joy of the ordinary. When you are present, all of your experiences can be extraordinary.

  4. You learn more from finishing a failure, than completing a success. Welcome the failure, let it teach you and mold you into a master of your craft.

  5. Let go of your self-image; it doesn’t help you, it limits you. Be open to everything and experience the renewal of identity that the present moment brings.

  6. You are happiest when you are working to bring something beautiful into the world. Remain committed to your goals and the time it takes to achieve them.

  7. Don’t wait for inspiration to strike to bring your visions to fruition. You won’t always “feel like it.” Do the work, anyways. Stay committed.

  8. Complexity doesn’t make you smarter. Simplify everything: your closet, your business, your writing. Don’t overcomplicate what is simple.

  9. Be vocal about what you need. Tell people what you’re building, tell them your ideas, tell them what you desire for your life. Talking about these things make it real. It makes you more available for opportunity.

  10. You’re going to move to Boston one day and it’s going to be wonderful. Every day won’t always be easy, but you will come alive in the way you always imagined you would. It’s a gift. And the most appropriate response to this gift is gratitude. Live your gratitude out loud.


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How My Road Trip Across the Country Ended in Boston and Why I Decided to Stay