5 Key Strategies I Used to Make My Book a Substack Bestseller

In July, I made a promise to myself that for thirty days, I would post one piece of content per day to promote my book, Lonely Girl. From sunup to sundown, I worked on content with an urgency so great, it propelled me out of bed and straight to my computer. I labored over every sentence, photo, and CapCut edit, with some posts taking upwards of four hours to create.

But to me, the effort was worth every minute.

I had spent nearly four years working on Lonely Girl and she had become my baby. As her mother, I wanted to give her everything. And my efforts paid off—she became a Substack Bestseller before the first chapter was even released. What is it hard? Absolutely. What I do it again? In a heartbeat.

Here’s what I learned

The 5 Key Strategies I Used to Make My Book a Substack Bestseller

1. Posting Consistently (Even Daily) Can Drive Real Results, But Requires Clear Intention/Purpose

Massive action = massive results. Consistency is the name of the game and there’s no way around it. But consistency alone isn’t enough—each piece of content needs to have a clear purpose. Ask yourself: Why am I doing this? What is the primary goal I want to achieve with this content? If you’re unsure of the answer, that uncertainty will translate to your audience, leaving them confused—and you'll feel that confusion too. Not to mention, it’s so much easier to stay consistent when your reason for posting is grounded in a clear intention and purpose.

2. TikTok and Instagram Require Different Content Strategies

Think of TikTok as speaking to a room full of strangers, while Instagram is more like chatting with your friends and their friends. On TikTok, every video needs to stand on its own—capturing attention quickly and delivering value instantly. On the other hand, Instagram thrives on a sense of community, where your posts should build on one another and have a cohesive narrative.

TikTok Learnings

Instagram Learnings

3. Use Creator Search Insights to Optimize Content for Search

Every video should be optimized for search, especially on TikTok. TikTok’s new tool “Creator Search Insights” can taking the guesswork out of it and help you identify trending keywords, hashtags, and topics that your target audience is searching for. By incorporating these into your content, you increase the likelihood of your videos appearing in search results and being discovered by new people.

4. Build Community by Deeply Engaging with a Core Group

You could go on a commenting spree, trying to engage with as many accounts as possible to please the algorithm. But you know what’s more effective? Focusing on a few core people and building real relationships with them. These will be your true supporters. If you invest in them, they’ll likely invest back in you. So, don’t spread yourself thin—go deep and nurture those meaningful connections.

5. Storytelling is the Most Effective Way to Get Real Results on Social Media

I’ve created a lot of content, and storytelling is by far the most effective. But what is a story? How do we define ‘story’? A story has a beginning, middle, and end, and ultiamtely, it shows what changed. Change, especially personal change, is what grabs our attention. So don’t overlook your storytelling skills. Use them to their fullest.

Instead of just saying what you do, share the story behind it. Rather than just stating what you know, tell a story that demonstrates your knowledge. Instead of only showcasing what you sell, craft a story that explains why someone would want to buy it.


I Wrote One Weekly Newsletter for a Year and this is What I Learned