Why I Started Silent Disco Boston
When you’re granted a vision, I believe it’s a sign you’re meant to carry it though. The “how” may not always reveal itself at first, but take heart that every great and perfect thing once began as a fleeting thought in someone’s head. Without vision, nothing would cease to exist. Vision is what enables us to plan our futures with wisdom and imagination.
How to Select a Title for Yourself
There are many ways to build your personal brand, selecting a title for yourself is a great way to start. Here are six steps that will lead you in the right direction and help you determine the best title for you and your personal brand. Remember, there are no rules. You can be anything you want to be!
5 common writing mistakes that are costing you money (and how to fix them).
The next time you sit down to write your next blog post, email, or Instagram caption, consider these common writing mistakes that could be preventing you from reaching and resonating with your ideal clients and customers. I’ll show you how to spot these errors and what you can do to fix them:
How to uncover your Personal Brand Story and why it's the most powerful way to market your business.
As an entrepreneur, you’re in the business of communicating the importance of your company to anyone who will listen. You may share educational information, valuable insights, and facts about your products and services so people have a deeper understanding of what it is you’re selling. This is important. However, the best and most effective way of garnering a deep interest and understanding of your mission as an entrepreneur is to convey the importance of your business through a (personal) story.
Social Media Platforms: How Many Should You Be On?
So you're building your personal brand... How many social media platforms should you be on? All of them? Some of them? Your favorite one? Here's my recommendation in today's blog post. It may not be what you think...