You Know What is Correct

On Memorial Day, I got smoothies with my friend Taylor in Plymouth, MA.

Now, if you know Taylor, you know he’s a conversationalist.

This guy is a speaker.

He has a way with words. He’s motivational. Being in his presence makes you feel inspired and driven to do your thing.

Taylor is a coach and content creator, so naturally, we had a lot to talk about.

And over the last few months, he’s gained over 150k+ followers on Instagram and TikTok.

I asked him if he had a strategy.

His answer might surprise you, but it was just as I suspected.

He said, “Totally in flow! When I’m blocked- that’s my sign to clock out and enjoy this beautiful world. I return to it later and usually have it.”

Now if you’re building your brand, it can be super easy to fall into this trap of “planning it all out.” i.e., getting super strategic with our content and how to present ourselves online.

When people come to me, they are usually looking for help with STRATEGY.

And what’s the benefit of strategy? Less room for error, more intentional posts, and a clear vision to work towards… outcomes, results. It sounds “right,” —right?

But here’s the thing, in my experience, the best creators aren’t thinking about strategy at all. They’re sharing what’s true for them in its purest form. They are guided by their own personal set of goals and value system, but they aren’t looking at a content calendar to decide for them what they should be sharing.

They’re speaking off the cuff, from the heart, and in flow. This is what we’re attracted to. This is what we want to see more of!

Now I’m not suggesting you abandon the systems and processes that work for you, but I do encourage less thinking and more posting.

If you’re excited about something, share it.
If you’ve just had an awesome call with one of your clients, talk about it.
If you’ve gained an insight on your morning walk, tell us what it is.

Trust yourself.

Taylor is a marvelous example of what happens when you do.

In love, Anna Vatuone

P.S. Do you want to think less and post more? My 3-month course, Personal Brand Accelerator, will help you build your brand, tell your story, and reveal your authentic self. You have something important to say, and others want to hear it. Join the waitlist and be the first to know when PBA opens for enrollment in just a few weeks!


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