The 5 Things You Need to Know Before Building a Personal Brand
If you’re just starting to think about what having a personal brand might look like for you, you’re not alone. These are the 4 things you must identify before you start building your personal brand:
How to Make Content Creation a Priority for Your Personal Brand
When you’re trying to keep a full pipeline of clients, serve the clients you already have, and also squeeze in time for half of a social life and an ounce of self-care, it can be difficult to justify spending precious time on content creation (especially when it’s for your personal brand).
Yes, You Need a Personal Website and Here are 3 Reasons Why
A personal website (along with a personal marketing plan) allowed me to mold the perception that my colleagues and superiors had of me. It gave me the clarity, credibility, and recognition I needed to succeed as a young professional. Now, I’ve become the #1 personal brand strategist on Google, and I get to work at my absolute dream job (the very job and title I’ve created for myself).
The Personal Branding Podcast: What's in it For You
You’ll enjoy this podcast if you’re a self-starter, if you’re unsatisfied with the status quo, if you long to go your own way, and share your personal journey with the world.
The 5 Mistakes You're Making on Instagram and How to Avoid Them
Today, I’m laying out 5 of the most common mistakes I see people making on Instagram, and exactly how you can avoid them.
This is the #1 Reason You're Afraid to Share Content
You shared. Now, what do you typically do next? I’m guessing you sit on your phone and re-watch your story 5x before you can do anything else, right? And when you do finally get up and walk away, you come back an hour later to do this all over again.
Here Are The Reasons My Instagram Captions Are So Long
Alright, guys. This topic has come up so frequently I think it's high time I address it. Let's talk about Instagram captions. Now, if you want to learn how to write them--you can do that here. However, this article is geared more towards the length of the caption. I often get asked the question: "Anna, why are your Instagram captions so long?"
The One Important Thing I Did to Grow My Email List Overnight
When I found Interact, I knew I had struck gold. It was the perfect platform to help me start building my email list and offer my audience something fun in return.
The 4 Things People Get Wrong About Personal Branding
I’m curious, how do you think about your own personal brand? What comes to your mind?
What to Do If You Have Low Engagement on Instagram
As content creators, we take so much pride in our work. And more often than not, our self-worth is inevitably tied up into everything we share with the world. So when we have low engagement, it’s easy to feel discouraged and upset. Instead of letting it get you down, use Instagram’s algorithm as a tool to make your content that much better.
How to Write Engaging Captions on Instagram
One of the questions I often get asked as a personal brand consultant is how to write engaging captions on Instagram or any platform for that matter. After all, the caption is half the presentation. A great caption has the ability to make a dull image into an exciting one, or vice versa. A poor caption can weigh down a great image if it is confusing or irrelevant. Captions are important, but they definitely don’t have to be hard.
How I Gained My First 10k Followers on Instagram (and how you can, too).
I’ve spent hundreds of hours studying Instagram, testing the algorithm and managing dozens of accounts, I know what works and what doesn't work--and now I’m sharing exactly what I did to get my first ten thousand followers.
The Four Things You Need to Know Before Building Your Personal Brand
I stumbled into my career as a personal brand strategist and I learned how to build my personal brand through trial and error. My strategy is something I have had to develop carefully over time. However, given the chance to do it all again, here are the four things I would’ve nailed down before I started building my personal brand:
How I Became the #1 Personal Brand Strategist on Google
SEO wisdom to help you build your personal brand.
The ROI of a Great First Impression
Your website can be a powerful resource for your followers, customers, or clients.
When Perception is Reality: Why You Need to Build a Personal Brand Today
There’s no getting around it — working (and succeeding) in a digital age has prompted a new set of responsibilities.