Why You Aren’t Satisfied With Social Media And How To Change


I was posting consistently for months.

At least once a day.

Sometimes, twice a day.

But still, nothing was working.

I was getting frustrated, and honestly, somewhat embarrassed that my views were so low. What was happening!?

After weeks of feeling deeply unsatisfied, I remember saying to myself…

"Alright, Anna, it's time to stop messing around. Let’s fix this."

See, the thing was, I thought I was trying….

I thought I was doing everything in my power to make my content the best it could be.

  • I was positing consistently

  • I was posting (what I thought was) ‘good’ content

  • I was following “the rules”

But, when I took a closer look, I discovered these things weren’t actually true.

I realized I going though the motions.

I was creating content sporadically and without intention—throwing paint at the wall, and hoping something would stick.

But that’s not a strategy, that’s a recipe for failure.

So, I decided to….

  • double down on what was working, and abandon everything else.

  • become hyper-intentional with every word, every clip, and every music choice.

  • focus on storytelling, voice-overs, and connecting with my audience on a personal level.

This was the style of content I knew best, and loved to create the most.

And can you guess what happened next?

As soon as I made this shift, my engagement practically doubled.

I gained thousands of new followers overnight.

And I felt this amazing sense of confidence I had been lacking for months.

Personal Branding Tip

There's a reason you feel unsatisfied with social media.

It’s because something needs to change.

Your job is to make that change.

To do this, you must dig beneath the surface to understand how.

Consider these questions as you create content:

  1. "Would you actually watch your own video all the way through?"

    • If the answer is "no", edit your video until the answer changes to “yes”

    • This might require extra time, but it's worth it to create high-performing content

  2. "Given your current knowledge of social media, do you think this piece of content will perform well?"

    • If the answer is "no", consider scrapping the idea altogether

    • focus on creating content that could yield a good return on investment

  3. "Is this content supporting your highest self and the goals you have for your life? Or, is it simply a way to get a cheap dopamine hit?"

    • If you find yourself posting content without any specific purpose, take a pause, and put your phone aside.

    • Remind yourself of the reason why you're doing this.

Personal Question

Why are you creating content? Does your content now support your highest self and the goals you have for your brand and life? If not, why? How can you start to change?

I'm here if you need me.


How my program, Personal Brand Accelerator, can help you:

1. Join the PBA Community and Get Higher Engagement on Your Content

10x your content's engagement and start seeing real results on social media. You have an important story to tell, and more people need to hear it. Build your brand and get direct feedback and stay consistent with your posts by joining our community.

  • tell powerful stories people can’t stop reading

  • present yourself accurately and effectively online

  • stop wondering what to post on social media

You are special. There is a reason you are here. You have something important to say, and others want to hear it.

Start Your Free Trail


I Wrote One Weekly Newsletter for a Year and this is What I Learned


Why Nobody Cares and How to Fix it