Why Nobody Cares and How to Fix it


“This isn’t working,” she tells me.

“What do you mean?” I ask, looking up from my notes.

“I’m trying to make these videos, and I keep asking myself ‘who cares?’ as I watch them back,” she says.

Olivia found me on Google after posting 50 videos in a row and seeing hardly any growth on social media.

On the verge of giving up, she was desperate, and sought me out for help.

Her goals were simple:

  • Build her audience

  • Sell her online courses

  • Be known as a top holistic wellness coach

“Why do you think it’s not working?” I asked her.

She paused.

I could tell she was stumped.

Why wasn’t it working?

She was qualified. Her videos were, honestly, pretty good. She had a charismatic personality that instantly drew people to her.

By all measures, she should be seeing progress, right?

In a perfect world, she would be.

But it’s not as straightforward as that….

To some degree, Olivia was right.

Nobody cared.

  • Even though she was qualified

  • Even though she’d been coaching for over a decade

  • Even though, by most standards, she was the best there was

The problem is, we don’t know what we don’t know.

And if people don’t know (you yet), your videos will likely appear as a dime a dozen.

Personal Branding Tip

To get people to care, you have to give them a reason to.

The old formula of "5 Ways to..." is no longer enough to grab attention.

Your story, though, is.

  • How did you get to where you are today?

  • What is the transformation you’ve undergone? The lessons you’ve learned?

  • What was as stake for you? What did you lose? And what did you gain?

Stories provide context, and context informs how we perceive and interact with content.

Think about it….

If a random person came up to you on the street and started selling or educating you on their latest product—would that feel compelling to you?

Likely not.

But if they told you a story, first… the story of why they created said product, that might pull you in just a little bit more, right?

It’s less about "liking" videos, as it really is about connecting with the story behind them.

At the end of my call with Olivia, I asked her if she’d be willing to share her story on social media.

“Now that you mention it, it’s something I’ve thought about, but haven’t actually shared before.”

“Do you think that would help me?” she asked.

“I know it would,” I smiled.

I know, because I've experienced it.

Your story matters.

The more you share it, the more people will engage. And yes, even begin to care :)

Personal Question

What’s the real story behind why you create content? How can you start telling this story more often?

I'm here if you need me.


How my program, Personal Brand Accelerator, can help you:

1. Join the PBA Community and Get Higher Engagement on Your Content

10x your content's engagement and start seeing real results on social media. You have an important story to tell, and more people need to hear it. Get direct feedback and stay consistent with your posts by joining our community.

Start Your Free Trail

2. Take the PBA Course and Start Building Your Personal Brand Today

Want to build your brand, but don't know where to start? Our12-lesson framework will help you:

  • build your personal brand

  • tell powerful stories people can’t stop reading

  • present yourself accurately and effectively online

  • stop wondering what to post on social media

You are special. There is a reason you are here. You have something important to say, and others want to hear it.

Learn More

Please note: "Olivia" is a composite character, created to protect the privacy of my clients.


How to Actually Stand Out on Social Media