How to Actually Stand Out on Social Media


It happened the same way every time.

I’d film a video about personal branding, watch the footage back, edit out all my "umms" and "I thinks," and whittle down the post until it was ready.

Good to go, I'd think.

I’d press publish and wait.

But, nothing happened.


Every. Single. Time.

I was starting to get frustrated.

  • The information in my videos was solid

  • The clips were well-edited

  • So, what was it?

Why weren't my videos getting noticed by people?

Why did no one seem to care?

I found my answer years later, after posting a story about loneliness that finally seemed to “pop.”

I remember waking up that morning, checking my notifications, and gasping when I saw thousands of people had started followed me overnight.

Until that day, I believed I wasn't "allowed" to create that sort of content; it wasn't what I saw other Personal Brand Strategists creating.

But to my surprise, everything changed when I took a chance and tried it.

Whereas before, building my audience felt like pulling teeth, now it came easily—and it would continue to come easily, so as long as I did this one thing…

To stand out, you have to post something different, something we haven’t seen before.

As it turns out, my first videos weren't bad; they were just too much like everyone else's to stand out.

But finally, when I started posting content in a new style that was fresh and authentic to me, I saw a massive explosion in growth.

It was easy to stand out—because I was no longer competing for the same attention in a category that was overly-saturated. Now, I was in a category of my own.

Personal Branding Tip

If you create the same videos everyone else is creating, you’re fighting an uphill battle.

It won’t be impossible to stand out, but it’s going to be really hard.

Think of creators like.....

...all of them are breaking the rules, trying new things, and making content no one has attempted before.

The best part?

It's authentic to who they are as people.

Just as entrepreneurs seek white space in the market for businesses, creators should also look for white space in the content landscape.

But rather than speculating about what people might like, instead ask yourself, "What do I genuinely love and enjoy doing? What are some defining aspects of my personality that I could share with others?"

The more you connect with your authentic interests, desires, and strengths, the more easily you'll find this white space.

It happens naturally, simply by being you.

Personal Question

What do you genuinely love and enjoy doing? When do you feel a heightened sense of emotion? What makes you feel alive and activated? How can you create content that is inspired by these activities or feelings?

I'm here if you need me.


How my program, Personal Brand Accelerator, can help you:

1. Join the PBA Community and Get Higher Engagement on Your Content

10x your content's engagement and start seeing real results on social media. You have an important story to tell, and more people need to hear it. Get direct feedback and stay consistent with your posts by joining our community.

Start Your Free Trail

2. Take the PBA Course and Start Building Your Personal Brand Today

Want to build your brand, but don't know where to start? Our12-lesson framework will help you:

  • build your personal brand

  • tell powerful stories people can’t stop reading

  • present yourself accurately and effectively online

  • stop wondering what to post on social media

You are special. There is a reason you are here. You have something important to say, and others want to hear it.

Learn More


Why Nobody Cares and How to Fix it


How To Make Yourself Impossible To Ignore