How To Make Yourself Impossible To Ignore


Sarah wanted to be mysterious.

She refrained from posting content or sharing stories on social media.

Truthfully, she wasn’t sure if people were interested, or cared enough, to hear her them anyway.

She assumed if people were genuinely curious, they would seek her out and discover her themselves.

As it turned out, her plan didn’t work in the way she hoped it would.

She wasn’t the protagonist in a romance novel.

She was an entrepreneur.

And her attempt at being "mysterious" resulted in people not knowing she existed.

I told her, “If you want to see results on social media—you don’t really have the luxury of being mysterious.”

Sara had to tell people who she was, so they could stop wondering.

  • We got to work

  • Sarah told her story

  • Shared it over and over again (in new ways and in different formats)

And now, her follwership has quadrupled because of it.

Personal Branding Tip

No one is coming to discover you.

If you don't tell your story, people will either:

  1. Have no idea you exist

  2. Make assumptions about who you are

The issue is, their assumptions will likely be incorrect most of the time.

To avoid being misunderstood or simply overlooked—you must fill in the gaps.

Write your story.

Then tell it.

And keep telling it.

Be relentless in sharing it.

When you do, you’ll be impossible to ignore.

Personal Question

Are you holding back from telling your story on social media? If you are, why? What is stopping you?

I'm here if you need me.


How to Actually Stand Out on Social Media


How to Know What You Really, Really Want